I added a Poll
to vote for your favorite authors who posted their fics on this page.
You can email Ruby at: iceruby@guessmail.com
Captain Someday
Summary: Sinbad, young crew member on the Adventurers, dreams of something bigger.
Category: Challenge answer, short story
Rating: G
Inside the Devil's Head
Summary: A look inside the head of our favorite villain after Hell House
Category: Short Fic
Rating: PG
A Question
Summary: A letter Bryn wrote to Sinbad sometime after Hell House. If she
gave it to him or not remains a mystery.
Category: Romance
Rating: G
Tears for you
Summary: An ordinary day turns out to be not so ordinary...
Category: Action/Romance
Rating: Pg13 for some violence
Fight against the past
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Summary:Bryn meets someone from her past and must confront him
Category: Mostly advenutre, S/B moments
Rating: Pg
I dreamed of a white Christmas
Summary:It's Christmas time