I added a Poll
to vote for your favorite authors who posted their fics on this page.
You can email Myst at: mystikqueen@yahoo.com
Over the Rainbow
Summary: A party never turned so bad in the past for
the Nomad crew...
Category: A little dark, and bits of everything.
Rating: Pg13
I love you from A to Z
Summary: Sinbad's feeling for Bryn
Category: Mushy romance
Rating: G
Meant to be
Summary: A conversation between Doubar and Firouz right after the Stalkers.
Category: General
Rating: G
About that Kiss
Summary: Bryn's thoughst after 'The Stalkers'
Rating: Pg
Mesapolis 1
Summary:Sinbad and the crew get stuck in a town that seems to bring only troubles
and there's that girl that looks to have eyes for Sinbad...
Category: Angst, s/b
Rating: pg-13
Shadows of Destiny
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Summary: Bryn has an hard fell and everything then turns to disaster...To know
more, just read the fic.
Category: Angst, s/b, a little dark
Rating: pg-13